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Forcepoint Trusted Print Delivery

Forcepoint Trusted Print Delivery provides a secure means to consolidate printers (generally to the more sensitive network) and allows these organizations to eliminate hundreds to thousands of printers and meet cost-saving mandates. Forcepoint Trusted Print Delivery is a Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS), highly secure solution that allows users to print from existing applications at different security or sensitivity levels to a single printer located on the more sensitive (high side) network. Reducing printer hardware at individual security levels reduces capital investment, printer inventory, hardware maintenance/supplies, and administration. Forcepoint Trusted Print Delivery leverages the widely deployed, accredited, and U.S. Unified Cross Domain Services Management Office (UCDSMO) Baseline-listed Forcepoint Trusted Gateway System as the secure transfer guard component. Forcepoint Trusted Gateway System ensures that malicious data is not transferred from low to high networks and that sensitive data is not inadvertently or intentionally transferred from high to low. In addition to the Forcepoint Trusted Gateway System transfer guard, Forcepoint Trusted Print Delivery utilizes two Print Adapters, Ingress and Egress. The Ingress Adapter accepts print jobs from users and submits them to the guard for review. Once approved, the inspected print job is transferred to the Egress Adapter, which sends the print job to the physical printer. Print job submissions appear standard to the end user. Forcepoint Trusted Print Delivery enables secure printing in environments where multilevel printing is a requirement. When extraneous printers at multiple sensitivity levels are eliminated, organizations recognize significant savings from reduced hardware, space, power, support and supplies. The robust security provided by the certified and accredited Forcepoint Trusted Gateway System transfer guard ensures that users can safely print to high side printers from multiple security levels without the risk of transferring malicious data or transferring sensitive data from high to low networks. Forcepoint secure information sharing solutions are designed to enable secure access and transfer of sensitive information for government, intelligence community, civilian, and corporate entities in the US and around the globe, including 5 Eyes nations and NATO. Forcepoint secure information sharing solutions continue to strike the right balance between information protection and information sharing—a vital component to enterprise security.

Provides enterprise administration:
• Seamless interoperability with established print infrastructures
• Configurable banner/trailer pages to ensure that ownership and sensitivity levels are clearly identified, as required
• Correlated status information across domains
• Minimal user desktop configuration, similar to any enterprise printer/driver implementation

Reduces the number of printers needed to support multilevel printing requirements

Leverages Forcepoint Trusted Gateway System guard technology for content inspection and security policy enforcement:
• Exceptional built-in manual review and automatic validations
• Data inspections that include dirty word search, virus scanning, file type verification and deep content inspection

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