Protect endpoints and networks from web threats and phishing attacks with Forcepoint Web Security with Remote Browser Isolation. Forcepoint web security technology provides unrivaled threat protection. The Advanced Classification Engine (ACE) identifies threats using comprehensive analytics including behavioral baselines and real-time global threat intelligence. And the dynamic security platform is powered by human-centric behavioral intelligence to understand risky activities. Forcepoint Remote Browser Isolation powered by Ericom delivers enhanced protection to secure environments using browser isolation. Browser isolation prevents websites from delivering malware, zero-day exploits, and phishing threats to endpoints, improving security and productivity by enabling broad web access for users. Risky websites, like uncategorized sites or new domains, and phishing URLs are rendered in remote virtual containers, isolating devices from threats, while users experience a safe, fully interactive browsing experience.
Forcepoint Remote Browser Isolation offer:
• Expand Web Access Without Additional Risk. Securely expand web access to uncategorized and risky sites.
• Protect C-Level and Other High-Risk Users. Protect users with elevated privileges by air-gapping their endpoints from web threats.
• Block Phishing Attacks. Stop phishing from compromising endpoints, delivering ransomware, and stealing credentials.
• Prevent Data Loss. Keep sensitive web app data out of browser caches; limit user data sharing activities on websites.